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Sonntag, 22. April 2012

Spain Following in Ireland’s Footsteps by Megan Greene

Spain Following in Ireland’s Footsteps

by Megan Greene
Watching developments in Spain since the beginning of April has been source of non-stop déjà vu for anyone who spent 2010 watching events unfold in Ireland. There are a number of striking similarities between the position in which the Spanish government now finds itself and the Irish government’s situation in November 2010, just before it was forced into an EU/IMF bailout programme. Based on Ireland’s experience, a bailout for Spain seems inevitable. Read more of this post

Donnerstag, 19. April 2012

Europe Turning Ugly // as the realization that not only was the Spanish bond auction unsustainable, but also a French downgrade rumor once again making its way

Europe Turning Ugly

Tyler Durden's picture

In the past 30 minutes, Europe has turned downright ugly, with short-term Bunds soaring to a record 140.64, and weakness creeping across the peripherals, as the realization that not only was the Spanish bond auction unsustainable, but also a French downgrade rumor once again making its way (the source of this is a Citi note by Michael Saunders who said that it is likely that Moody's will follow S&P, and put the French Aaa rating on review for possible downgrade by the autumn, after the country's supplementary budget is formalized). The result is a sudden and swift slide in the EURUSD to 1.3070 or the LOD. Here are some of the other recent surprising developments in the aftermath of what the propaganda machine wants to spin as a "successful" Spanish bond auction.
Some of the other developments in the past 30 or so minutes, via BBG:
  • German Bund June Contract Rises 0.2 Percent to Record 140.64
  • French-German 10-Yr Yield Spread Widens to Most Since Jan. 10
  • Italian 10-Yr Bonds Extend Decline; Yield Up 11bps at 5.59%
  • Spanish Stocks Slump to Day’s Low; Oil, Gold, Bond Yields Drop
  • Spanish 10-Yr Bonds Extend Drop; Yields 8bps Higher at 5.90%
  • Spanish 2-Yr Notes Extend Decline; Yields Rise 4bps to 3.46%
  • Spanish Stocks Slump to Day’s Low; Oil, Gold, Bond Yields Drop
Reality is slowly starting to come back. Remember: Europe needs Spanish bond yields at 7.0% or higher, because that is the only catalyst to activate LTRO 3 and to get the ECB back in the game, which all banks in the world desperately need now that the IMF is woefully incapable of securing the funding needed for the "giant firewall".
European sovereign spreads look very reminiscent of last week, rally on a 'simple' bill auction then sell-off on reality...

Mittwoch, 18. April 2012

Europas Schuldenkrise In der EZB wächst die Sorge um Spanien

Europas Schuldenkrise In der EZB wächst die Sorge um Spanien
18.04.2012 · Viele Investoren fürchten einen höheren Kapitalbedarf für spanische Banken als bisher geschätzt. Die Bundesbank spricht sich allerdings gegen Hilfen aus. Auch die Bundesregierung sieht keinen Bedarf.
Von Stefan Ruhkamp und Werner Mussler
© dpaLiegt der Kapitalbedarf der spanischen Banken bei 50 Milliarden Euro?
In der Europäischen Zentralbank wächst die Sorge um Spanien. Auf den Märkten zweifelten viele Investoren daran, dass der von der spanischen Regierung geschätzte Kapitalbedarf der Banken - die Rede ist von einer Größenordung von etwa 50 Milliarden Euro - realistisch sei, sagte ein hochrangiger Angehöriger der EZB am Mittwoch.
Bundesbank-Präsident Jens Weidmann sprach sich allerdings dagegen aus, Spanien zur Annahme von Hilfen zu drängen. „Wir sollten nicht immer den Weltuntergang ausrufen, wenn die langfristigen Zinsen eines Landes zeitweilig über 6 Prozent steigen“, sagte Weidmann in einem am Mittwoch veröffentlichten Interview mit der Nachrichtenagentur Reuters.

Montag, 16. April 2012

Spain Goes Irish On Regions

Spain Goes Irish On Regions

Tyler Durden's picture

Slowly but surely, the Spanish authorities are gradually socializing the rest of the world to the dismal truth that we have been so vociferously arguing - that their debt levels (or more specifically their debt/GDP ratios) are significantly higher (explicitly) than their current official data suggest. Today's news, via the WSJ, that the Spanish government may take over some regions' finances, in an attempt to shore up investor confidence (just as Ireland did with its banks and we know how well that worked out?) is yet another step closer to the 'realization'  that all that is "contingent" is actually "explicitly guaranteed." As we noted here, this leaves Spain's Debt/GDP nearer 135% than its 'official' 68.5%. The WSJ notes comments from a top government official that "there will soon be new tools to control regional spending" and that they may take over at least one of the country's cash-strapped regions this year. As we broke down extensively here, this is no surprise as yet another group of political elite find the truth harder to deal with than the blinkered optimism they face the media with every day and yet as PM Rajoy notes "Nobody can expect that deep-seated problems be solved in just a few weeks", the irony of the euphoria felt around the world at the optical rally in Spanish spreads for the first few months of the year is not lost as Spain heads back into the abyss ahead of pending auctions and what appears to be more ponzified guarantees of regional finances (as long as they promise to pay it back and have 'a plan'). The simple truth is, as acknowledged by Rajoy, Spain has lost the trust of financial markets.
It seems that CDS markets have been ahead of the reality in Spain's true credit situation as it is perhaps a little easier to manipulate a few bonds than an entire sovereign CDS market. The velocity of the most recent move suggests some short-term action by the politicians/ECB soon enough though their failed attempt today suggests the wholesale exit of real money is a hole too big for even the ECB to comfortably fill - and furthermore, as we have noted, every bond the ECB buys via SMP increases the default risk (or more clearly reduces recoveries) on existing bondholders and thus making a situation worse...

Chart: Bloomberg

nun auch das noch....ein Spanien-Blog



Versteigerung neuer Staatsanleihen Alarmierend hohe Risikoprämie für Spanien

16.04.2012 · Die Rendite spanischer Staatsanleihen ist wieder über 6 Prozent gestiegen. Das belastet die bevorstehenden Versteigerungen neuer Schuldtitel. Das Land kann dies wohl verkraften.
Von Bettina Schulz, London

panien muss wieder deutlich höhere Renditen für seine Kapitalaufnahme an den Finanzmärkten bieten. Zum Auftakt einer Woche, in der Spanien am Dienstag kurz laufende Schatzwechsel und am Donnerstag mehrere Anleihen begeben will, ist die Rendite für spanische Staatsanleihen mit zehn Jahren Restlaufzeit wieder über die Marke von 6 Prozent geschnellt. Mit 6,09 Prozent erreichte die Rendite den höchsten Stand seit Anfang Dezember 2011.
Da eine dauerhafte Rendite von deutlich mehr als 6 Prozent langfristig für hochverschuldete Länder kaum tragbar ist, waren bei 6,5 Prozent Hilfsprogramme für Griechenland, Irland und Portugal vorbereitet worden. Investoren fürchten, dass Spanien nun auf Dauer ebenfalls auf auswärtige Hilfe zur Deckung seines Kapitalbedarfs angewiesen sein könnte. Mit Spannung wird beobachtet, wie groß das Investoreninteresse sein wird, wenn Spanien am Dienstag Schatzwechsel an den Markt bringt und am Donnerstag für 2,5 Milliarden Euro Staatsanleihen mit einem Kupon von 3,3 Prozent und einer Fälligkeit 2014 an den Markt bringen wird und eine zehnjährige Anleihe mit einem Kupon von 5,85 Prozent.

Spaniens Target-2-Verbindlichkeiten sind gestiegen

Spanien hat in diesem Jahr bereits 39 Milliarden Euro Kapital aufgenommen und damit 40 Prozent seiner geplanten Emissionen für dieses Jahr begeben. Spanien steht also nicht unter Zeitdruck, in der jetzigen Nervosität umfangreiche Anleihen begeben zu müssen, um seinen restlichen Emissionsbedarf von 47 Milliarden Euro zu decken.